There are numerous opportunities for our athletes beyond Friday night club competition.
- New Zealand Development Tour
- State Team Selection - Australian Little Athletics Championships (ALAC) & Australian Combined Event Championships (ACEC) - U15 athletes.
- National Under 15 Athletics Camp
- LAQ run coaching camps & clinics
- Ultimate Athletics School Program
- Little Athletics Programs for schools
Suggested organisations that may provide grants to help financially support athletes with travel expenses.
To check the criteria for eligibility - CLICK HERE
- Emerging Athlete Pathways
To check the criteria for eligibility - CLICK HERE
- Sunshine Coast Council’s Community Grants Program
New Zealand Development Tour
The New Zealand Development Tour is an exciting opportunity for Little Athletics Queensland (LAQ) athletes in the U14 and U15 age groups.
It is an annual January school holiday tour conducted by LAQ with athletes in the Team spending approximately 10 days travelling, training and competing together throughout the South Island of New Zealand, against local athletes from all over the Island.
For athletes selected to go, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience a team environment in a sport where individual performance is normally the focus.
NOTE: Applications to be part of the NZ Tour usually close mid-September
The New Zealand Development Tour is an exciting opportunity for Little Athletics Queensland (LAQ) athletes in the U14 and U15 age groups.
It is an annual January school holiday tour conducted by LAQ with athletes in the Team spending approximately 10 days travelling, training and competing together throughout the South Island of New Zealand, against local athletes from all over the Island.
For athletes selected to go, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience a team environment in a sport where individual performance is normally the focus.
NOTE: Applications to be part of the NZ Tour usually close mid-September
State Team Selection
Each year, Little Athletics Queensland selects a State Team to compete at the Australian Little Athletics Championships (ALAC) & Australian Combined Event Championships (ACEC) - U15 athletes. Both events are held concurrently. These Championships run over two days (usually in April) and are hosted in various States throughout the country.
Individual Events
U13, U14 and U15 athletes competing in individual events will be selected based on their results from the LAQ State Championships.
Each year, Little Athletics Queensland selects a State Team to compete at the Australian Little Athletics Championships (ALAC) & Australian Combined Event Championships (ACEC) - U15 athletes. Both events are held concurrently. These Championships run over two days (usually in April) and are hosted in various States throughout the country.
- The Team will comprise of athletes in the U13, U14 and U15 age groups.
- LAQ is offering a full team experience, no athlete will be allowed to stay with a parent or family, unless necessary for Multi Class athletes. This means all athletes and managers will travel and accommodate together for the duration of the trip.
Individual Events
- U13: 32 able bodied (16 per gender) and up to 2 Multi Class athletes
- U14 & U15: Up to 56 able bodied (28 per gender) and Up to 4 x Multi Class athletes (2 x U13/14) may also be selected
- Combined Events
- U15: Only 1 athlete per gender for the Combined Event competition.
U13, U14 and U15 athletes competing in individual events will be selected based on their results from the LAQ State Championships.
- U13 athletes will be selected based on their ability to contribute points to our team. Placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd does not guarantee selection. Because of the limited team size for the U13 athletes, generally, the U13 athletes will not be selected for one event only, therefore, should endeavour to compete in as many events as they can to increase their opportunity of selection in the State Team.
- Multi Class athletes must also compete at the LAQ State Championships and are required to achieve the McDonald’s achievement award blue level standard to be considered for selection. Placing at these Championships does not guarantee selection for Multi Class athletes.
- U14 and U15 athletes that place 1st or 2nd in any event will be automatically offered a position on the team for those events. Athletes who place 3rd in any event will only be offered a position if the 1st or 2nd placed athlete declines their position.
- U15 Combined Event athletes, selection will take place based on results from the LAQ Combined Events Championships
National U15 Athlete Camp
This is a live in elite camp and is a great opportunity to improve athletic skills by providing elite coaching and active participation in athletics. Being held at the Gold Coast Performance Centre, Runaway Bay means athletes can take full advantage of the world class facilities on offer. Each day will consist of coaching sessions to enhance performance in chosen events and improve general fitness. Workshops will be held on various topics such as strength and conditioning and stretching and there will also be guest appearances by senior elite athletes.
The camp is open to selected athletes in the U15 age group in the previous Little Athletics season, who have met a qualifying standard set by Little Athletics Australia.
This is a live in elite camp and is a great opportunity to improve athletic skills by providing elite coaching and active participation in athletics. Being held at the Gold Coast Performance Centre, Runaway Bay means athletes can take full advantage of the world class facilities on offer. Each day will consist of coaching sessions to enhance performance in chosen events and improve general fitness. Workshops will be held on various topics such as strength and conditioning and stretching and there will also be guest appearances by senior elite athletes.
The camp is open to selected athletes in the U15 age group in the previous Little Athletics season, who have met a qualifying standard set by Little Athletics Australia.
LAQ run coaching camp & clinic
Little Athletics Queensland runs various coaching clinics and camps for our members. A number of clinics and camps will be organised and conducted at various venues throughout the state. In providing clinics and camps to the community, Little Athletics Queensland aims to:
Provide an equitable and affordable coaching service to athletes throughout the state and allow access to quality coaching that result in the development of skills
Promote long term involvement in athletics by encouraging participants of all standards to identify the sport with enjoyment, friendship, improvement, learning, personal achievement and positive experiences
Offer participants opportunities to experience aspects of the sport beyond what may be available at a local centre level
All coaches are highly skilled in working with the ages groups catered for each event. Parents can be assured that all clinics and camps are conducted in a professional manner, as LAQ only employ qualified and accredited coaches, who have undergone a full ‘Working with Children Check’ in accordance with the Queensland Government Blue Card Services.
Little Athletics Queensland runs various coaching clinics and camps for our members. A number of clinics and camps will be organised and conducted at various venues throughout the state. In providing clinics and camps to the community, Little Athletics Queensland aims to:
Provide an equitable and affordable coaching service to athletes throughout the state and allow access to quality coaching that result in the development of skills
Promote long term involvement in athletics by encouraging participants of all standards to identify the sport with enjoyment, friendship, improvement, learning, personal achievement and positive experiences
Offer participants opportunities to experience aspects of the sport beyond what may be available at a local centre level
All coaches are highly skilled in working with the ages groups catered for each event. Parents can be assured that all clinics and camps are conducted in a professional manner, as LAQ only employ qualified and accredited coaches, who have undergone a full ‘Working with Children Check’ in accordance with the Queensland Government Blue Card Services.
Ultimate Athletics School Program
Little Athletics Queensland has a newly designed Fundamental Athletics Skills Training program, created specifically for Primary School aged children! This motor skill development program utilises games and skill development activities to teach the basic, fundamental movement patterns experienced in Little Athletics competition. These one-hour sessions are delivered over an eight (8) week period & focus on the core elements of Athletics (Run, Jump & Throw). Each session is structured to deliver a warm-up activity, a skill delivery and concludes with exciting games that bring those skills learnt to life.
Little Athletics Queensland has a newly designed Fundamental Athletics Skills Training program, created specifically for Primary School aged children! This motor skill development program utilises games and skill development activities to teach the basic, fundamental movement patterns experienced in Little Athletics competition. These one-hour sessions are delivered over an eight (8) week period & focus on the core elements of Athletics (Run, Jump & Throw). Each session is structured to deliver a warm-up activity, a skill delivery and concludes with exciting games that bring those skills learnt to life.
Little Athletics Program for schools
Little Athletics Program for Schools LAPS is a FREE program offered to Primary schools. This program allows students to participate in basic athletics skills in modified track and field events. These events are the Triple Jump, Javelin and Hurdles. LAQ will provide all equipment which is modified and safe for the use of the ages of the children.
The session is flexible to school time schedules and each session runs for 30 minutes, however can be extended to suit the school time schedule. A group size of approximately 30 students (or one class) is ideal for each session. Each participating child will also receive a certificate of participation and some LAQ promotional giveaways.
If you school is interested, please contact our Development Staff.
Shaun Lethem
0417 613 911
[email protected]
Little Athletics Program for Schools LAPS is a FREE program offered to Primary schools. This program allows students to participate in basic athletics skills in modified track and field events. These events are the Triple Jump, Javelin and Hurdles. LAQ will provide all equipment which is modified and safe for the use of the ages of the children.
The session is flexible to school time schedules and each session runs for 30 minutes, however can be extended to suit the school time schedule. A group size of approximately 30 students (or one class) is ideal for each session. Each participating child will also receive a certificate of participation and some LAQ promotional giveaways.
If you school is interested, please contact our Development Staff.
Shaun Lethem
0417 613 911
[email protected]